King Solomon's Lodge

The Scottish Rite

The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is one of the paths a Master Mason may choose to follow to increase his Masonic knowledge.

The Scottish Rite Creed of Freemasonry, as stated by the Southern Jurisdiction, is:

Human progress is our cause,
Liberty of thought our supreme wish,
Freedom of conscience our mission,
And the guarantee of equal rights
To all people everywhere our ultimate goal.

The Scottish Rite at the state level is termed an Orient, and at the local level is called a "Valley." It governs the degrees as a consolidated body, but the degrees are logically broken into separate sections or "families" within the system.

The Southern Jurisdiction in the USA is the "Mother Supreme Council of the World", and was the first Supreme Council, founded in Charleston, South Carolina.

The Northern Jurisdiction in the USA consists of fifteen states: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, and has a slightly different arrangement of degrees.

Southern Jurisdiction

Lodge of Perfection - The Ineffable Degrees

  • 4° Secret Master
  • 5° Perfect Master
  • 6° Intimate Secretary
  • 7° Provost & Judge
  • 8° Intendant of the Building
  • 9° Elu of the Nine (Sublime Knight Elect of the Nine)
  • 10° Elu of the Fifteen (Sublime Knight Elect of the Fifteen)
  • 11° Elu of the Twelve (Sublime Knight Elect of the Twelve)
  • 12° Master Architect
  • 13° Royal Arch of Solomon (Knight of the Ninth Arch)
  • 14° Perfect Elu (Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason)

Chapter of Rose Croix

  • 15° Knight of the East, of the Sword or of the Eagle
  • 16° Prince of Jerusalem
  • 17° Knight of the East & West
  • 18° Knight Rose Croix

Council of Kadosh

  • 19° Grand Pontiff
  • 20° Master of the Symbolic Lodge / Master ad Vitam
  • 21° Noachite or Prussian Knight / Patriarch Noachite
  • 22° Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus
  • 23° Chief of the Tabernacle
  • 24° Prince of the Tabernacle
  • 25° Knight of the Brazen Serpent
  • 26° Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian
  • 27° Knight Commander of the Temple
  • 28° Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
  • 29° Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew
  • 30° Knight Kadosh or Knight of the White & Black Eagle


  • 31° Inspector Inquisitor
  • 32° Master of the Royal Secret

Supreme Council

  • 33° Inspector General

Northern Jurisdiction

Lodge of Perfection - The Ineffable Degrees

  • 4° Master Traveler
  • 5° Perfect Master
  • 6° Master of the Brazen Serpent
  • 7° Provost & Judge
  • 8° Intendant of the Building
  • 9° Master of the Temple
  • 10° Master Elect of the Fifteen
  • 11° Sublime Master Elected
  • 12° Master Architect
  • 13° Master of the Ninth Arch
  • 14° Grand Elect Mason

Council of Princes of Jerusalem

  • 15° Knight of the East or Sword
  • 16° Prince of Jerusalem

Chapter of Rose Croix

  • 17° Knight of the East & West
  • 18° Knight of the Rose Croix de Heredon


  • 19° Grand Pontiff
  • 20° Master ad Vitam
  • 21° Patriarch Noachite
  • 22° Knight of the Royal Axe or Prince of Libanus
  • 23° Chief of the Tabernacle
  • 24° Brother of the Forest
  • 25° Master of Achievement
  • 26° Prince of Mercy or Scottish Trinitarian
  • 27° Knight Commander of the Temple
  • 28° Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept
  • 29° Scottish Knight of Saint Andrew
  • 30° Grand Inspector
  • 31° Knight Aspirant
  • 32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

Supreme Council

  • 33° Inspector General

The Supreme Council 33° of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Canada uses only three bodies: The Lodge of Perfection, Chapter of Rose Croix, and Consistory, which follow essentially the same degree structure as the Southern Jurisdiction in the USA with this difference: The Consistory also confers all of the degrees which the Council of Kadosh confers in the USA, and some of the names of the degrees are slightly different: 12° Grand Master Architect, 31° Inspector Inquisitor Commander, and 32° Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.

The 33° Inspector General is an honorary degree that may not be asked for and is attained by demonstrating exemplary service in Scottish Rite Masonry.

Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the number of degrees in this system. It is common in America for only the five mandatory degrees: 4°, 14°, 18°, 30°, and 32°, or in other words, the first Scottish Rite degree, and the culminating degree for each of the sections, to be conferred in a ritual format with the rest being communicated in name only, to be observed later as circumstances permit, while in England and Scotland, the 18° alone is required, with a two year minimum period before the 30° may be received, and the remaining degrees given by invitation only.

The Scottish Rite is presided over by the Supreme Council of the Thirty-Third Degree in a given Jurisdiction. Each Supreme Council is considered sovereign, even though they all ultimately originated from the Southern Jurisdiction USA.

In the Southern Jurisdiction, The Supreme Council proper consists of no more than 33 members. Other members of the Supreme Council may be appointed as a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, and serve as the head of the Rite in his respective Orient (or state). Heads of the orients who are not members of the Supreme Council are called Deputies of the Supreme Council.

The Supreme Council in the Northern Jurisdiction is limited to 66 members, who are designated Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, but the head of the Rite in each Valley is called a "Deputy of the Supreme Council."

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